I graduated from Baylor University in 2005, and I work as an Insurance Coordinator and Office Manager for The Brace Center (family business) in Bedford. Matt is a 2004 graduate of Blinn College with an Associates Degree of Applied Science in Emergency Medical Service. He attended fire academy at Texas A&M University and is currently serving the City of Arlington as a Firefighter and Paramedic.
We met on June 26, 2005 and were married on November 10, 2007. Our daughter, Ella Yvonne was born December 1, 2010.
We also have two dogs, Maverick and Maddie, a cat named Nala, a bird named Marty or "Bird," and a fish pond.
Here is the "burger and fries" cake... it was very yummy!
Andrew enjoyed handing out all the gifts... Here are the birthday boys opening their presents!
"Blow your wish!!" Here is super cute Isaac... what a sweet lil boy!! Kaitlin wasn't too sure about the camera... what a sweetie Andrew "flying" Memere's plane...
What an exciting weekend! Saturday morning we went to Burleson to celebrate Kaitlin's 1st Birthday! She's growing so fast! She loved her presents... Isaac did too! ...and so did Andrew! Yummy! After Kaitlin's party we headed to Iredell to spend some time with Matt's parents. They were babysitting Owen. Matt and Jack had some trees to cut down... here is Owen peeking over trying to watch them. He LOVES being outside and he LOVES his Grandpa! Rusty relaxin on a hot day! Here is Matt chainsawing some trees! Owen and I watching... and making sure no one kills themselves... What a pair... On Sunday we left Iredell and headed back to Burleson for Andrew's 3rd Birthday party. For some reason, I really got a kick out of the buzzlightyear with a bow on his head holding a balloon... Andrew loved wrestling with the blow-up spider man that his Memere and Pepere gave him. He also loved his Lightnight McQueen blanket from his Nana and PaPa. It was a busy but fun weekend! Tonight we have Kyle and PawPaw's birthday! Check back for more pictures!
Matt was a busy boy this weekend! Notice I said "Matt" instead of "we." He does all the work, but I'm a good helper if I do say so myself! This project we actually remembered to take a before picture....
We did forget to take a before pic of the tub. It had the same cream marble that the countertop was. Matt ripped that out, built a new step and tiled it all! What a good boy! This is hard to see, but here is my new ceiling fan!! I LOVE having a ceiling fan in our bathroom! Other than some touch up painting, we are finished with the master bathroom project. Matt did such a great job! I'm very impressed with all his hidden talents!